Passionate sex encounter with wife’s friend on her anniversary – Part I

Life is so funny! Just when you find everything moving in the right direction, you stumble upon a box full of surprises. Some bad surprises and some good ones as well.
Life was going smoothly as I was having a great sex life with my wife even after 5 years of marriage. Unlike other couples, I and my partner always wanted to spend more time with each other. Give great importance to our personal relationship to make it flourishing for years to come. One of the secret of such a wonderful life was having a good sexual appetite. After a hard day of work at the office we both enjoyed a good session almost every alternate nite and weekends were special which lasted even longer than the other days of the week. This is all possible only when our partner takes active participation and interest in the pleasure that we share on the bed. No matter how good or bad our day was at the office, I always found a place to stress burst that’s in the arms of Pooja (identity changed) – my wife.
We both being working professionals in different fields had a lot to share between us. Usual office gossips, the corporate affairs etc were our daily dose of the bed time talks. Living miles away from our family in Mumbai we had nothing much to share and socialize within our family circle.
Once while serving me dinner Pooja asked me to call up the property agent for finding a similar flat like ours; here’s the further conversation:
Pooja: Viren, call up the property agent as we need to check out some flats in the vicinity, Shekhar is moving to Mumbai
Me: Ohh..MrShekhar Saran and what about your friend Sunaina (Sherkhar’s wife)
Pooja: Yes they both are moving in… Sunaina called up today morning to tell me about it. They will be coming in the next 2-3 weeks. By start of next month.
Me: Ok then… it will be fun… finally we will get someone as a companion…
Sunaina and Pooja are now friends for ages. They spend a lot of time together gossiping and sharing almost everything between them. I had met the Sarans on a few occasions while we were in Noida. I have also attended Sunaina’s wedding some four years ago.
Sunaina is a bubbly and lively lady, who blends with people in no time. On the other hand Shekhar is an intelligent hard working person. A lot more focused on career and has a clear mind-set to prosper. However, the couple is doing well but Shekhar at times doesn’t give the deserved attention on his personal front, it is the cause of concern between the Sarans. I got to know this from Pooja as she is close to her friend.
After a week-long screening of properties, we finally shortlisted some 6 flats for the Sarans to select from. Once the Sarans (Shekhar and Sunaina) were here, we hosted them for the weekend. Took them around places to introduce Mumbai and help them settle in the new town. The Sarans also saw the flats we selected and shortlisted one property which was 5min drive away from our place. It was too a 2BHK apartment like ours with all plush amenities in the complex.
As the Sarans moved in, frequent outings on weekends, movies, dinner plans, and long drives around the city was a passé for us. 4 months passed and all were exciting as we too got some companion to kill our time. Sunaina and Pooja were the happiest to re-unite. We four made a good team for any plan or unplanned event.
Walking into my house from work and finding Sunaina on the couch with Pooja and their gossips was a common feature now a days. At times when Shekhar had to travel, Sunaina would stay with us. She was a good cook and we all enjoyed her recipes. Sunaina and Pooja used to sleep in the guestroom and I used to curse Sunaina for taking my wife away leaving me to sleep alone in my room on the king sized bed.
But with all this, our life was smooth and fine. I enjoyed living a peaceful life, until once when Pooja complained an acute back pain. A week passed but her pain did not subside as we expected. Visiting doctors and the clinics was a common task these days for us and the reports suggested pain due to Spondylitis, luckily it was not a sever one. The doctor advised Pooja complete bed rest for 8 weeks. This came as turmoil in my life and the fast paced life was at a halt. I was obviously worried for Pooja and can’t see her on the bed in pain. I too planned for a break from work, so that I can be with my lovie-dovie wife to take good care of her. Sadly this was not granted as situation at work required me to be at office most of the time. Sunaina suggested moving in to our house to take care of Pooja. She never mind doing it as Pooja is her good friend and we do not have anyone else in the island city.
We (me and Pooja) did not want Sunaina to take this up as it was not a matter of 1 -2 days but 8 weeks is a long time. I can’t leave everything on Sunaina and be stress free… As a last resort I suggested Pooja to go to our native as we had our parents and Pooja’s younger sister who can take good care. By doing this I too was aware my wife would recover fast and she would get all the attention she needed for the treatment.
Pooja on the other hand was worried for me, as in how will I manage to stay back and survive. I assured her that I am capable to handle things and she need not worry. Poor loving wife never wanted to part from me. But that’s how our life turned around. While leaving it was decided until Pooja returns I will have my dinner with the Sarans. They were a lovely couple and were of great help during testing times for us. I agreed to it and now it was a routine for me to visit the Sarans every evening for dinner. At times we three (Me – Shekhar and Sunaina) also went out for dinner during the weekend. I missed Pooja a lot as had no one to kill my time while alone.
Weeks passed by. I was in constant touch with Pooja to check how she is recovering. The urge in me was now piling up day after day… I had to control until Pooja returns and we have our distorted life back on track. I never thought of any option other than Pooja to have a release and enjoy my time. At times I also told Pooja how badly I miss her and can’t concentrate at work. To which Pooja used to laugh and say calm down I will be back on track soon. It was easy for her to say as she was in pain and the urge to have sex was dried unlike me. While Pooja was here in her last weeks in pain, we did not have any good session as it was not enjoyable for us. I was hoping Pooja would recover sooner and I restore my life to bring the same old charm and flair back.
Once while having dinner at the Saran’s place Shekhar asked:
Shekhar: Viren! I need your help, can you drop me to airport tomorrow?
Me: Airport! Are you travelling somewhere? ( what a silly question it was – I thot in my mind)
Shekhar: Yes I have to attend a 3 days conference in Bengaluru, I will be back in a week.
Me: Ok no worries..
I felt Sunaina was upset as this showed on her face. I asked: Sunaina! What’s the matter with you today? You aren’t your normal self..
To this Sunaina reacted : Yes! What a brilliant day Shekhar has selected to be out of town. Tomorrow is our 5th wedding anniversary… and we will be celebrating it miles apart from each other..
Me: Oh is it… Shekhar you should think about it once yaar… its an occasion for you both..
Shekhar: No Viren, had it been possible I would have changed the dates. I couldn’t do much about it.
Why don’t you guys celebrate tomorrow. Have fun go for dinner, Sunaina come-on cheer up darling – Said Shekhar.
I was in an awkward position here, I couldn’t say much between them. It was decided that I will drop Shekhar early in the morning at the airport and take Sunaina out on her so called anniversary dinner. I returned home and informed Pooja about this. She too felt strange for Shekhar and said go ahead have a good evening. Ensure my friend is happy… I am sure Viren, you are good host. You will be able to please Sunaina. – Said Pooja
The next day after dropping Shekhar, as a routine I went to my office. I called up Sunaina to wish her for the anniversary and asked if she really wanted to go out for dinner tonite. I am ok even if we cancel the plan. To which Sunaina said – why shall I ruin my anniversary plans for Shekhar. I want to spend a good time today evening. I am sure Viren you would take me out to a good place.
I asked what she would like to have for dinner, accordingly I booked the classiest place in the city for dinner. I left from the office an hour early to be on time for today’s plan. I went home got freshen up and reached the Saran’s place to pick Sunaina. “Tinnngggg” the bell goes ringing.
Sunaina took a while to open the door. But when she did – she gave me a shocker!!!
I saw her in the shortest attire ever. She wore a classic grey colored one piece till just a palm above her knees. Her hair let loose to fall on her shoulder. The sparkling blush-on and the lipstick she wore won a my jaw dropping stare for her. Her nicely trimmed and shaped nails and the nail paint complemented her attire. Gorgeous!!! Was an understatement for Sunaina tonite.
Ooh am I on the right floor today..are you Mrs Saran? I asked jokingly to complement the changed look of Sunaina. She said… Yes MrViren, you are on the right floor, with the right lady and at the right time..
She ment something else here but I was bad reading between the lines…
I gave her the gift I got for the couple and a bunch of flowers which Sunaina likes the most. ( I got this information from Pooja). I sensed Sunaina was happy and in a good mood really looking forward for the dinner. The restaurant was an hour drive from our place and all the way in the car Sunaina was in her chirpy best mood. Talking talking and talking. We were not strangers now as we knew each other for a good time, it was just that we met were alone for the first time.
Sunaina called Shekhar to tell about our plans that we are already out for dinner. She also called Pooja thanking her to let me go with her for the dinner. Pooja also spoke to me and said have fun and enjoy your time. Make my friend happy as its her day… Pooja was innocent and knew I would take good care of her friend for the evening.
Sunaina kept on praising me for such a loving and caring husband I am – she knew me very well from Pooja and all I could do is just blush and shy away from the talks. I felt somewhere this lady is stressing that her husband Shekhar is not so good in many aspects. I kept listening to her but responded less.
Once in the restaurant, we called for the most admired drink and raised the toast to celebrate the Saran’s fifth anniversary. Glasses went down and Sunaina was turning bolder. She spoke her heart out telling how Shekhar is so very in-sensitive. He never cared as much as I did. She also said a few things which were too personal in nature. I realized all this bubbly and chirpy nature to blend well with people is just an image Sunaina has created. She is lonely deep within. I did not stressed much on this topic as I knew she was high tonite and do not want to spoil the bonding we had with Saran’s.
I advised Sunaina to look forward and find out ways to make her marriage a success. She is good wife and will be able to overcome this phase of life. To this Sunaina said “Forget it Viren! this is not going to happen so easily”. I don’t need to discuss much and spoil my anniversary here. I kept quiet here
Sunaina said I know how you must be feeling to be away from Pooja. You are a gem of a person and a hubby that every wife wants. By Saying this she held my hand above the table and pressed it. I was at discomfort as never expected to be in this situation.
Sunaina kept on sharing her not so good experiences with me and all this while she did not leave my had. Infact she locked her fingers with mine. After a brief pause I asked her do you need a breather… Are you OK Sunaina. She smiled and said YesViren… I am fine. Infact I am enjoying my time with you. Good Shekhar went and made way for this plan… – Said Sunaina.
We ordered for our dinner and enjoyed the evening together. While driving back Sunaina just leaned on me as she was feeling tipytopsy… thanks to the drink. She couldn’t manage much I guessed.
We reached her apartment only to find pitch darkenss… On enquiring with the security guard, we learned that the nearby Power Station faced some technical issues. It was hot and humid to stay without the power in Mumbai. Sunaina’s flat neither had an inverter back up.
Out of care and concern I asked Sunaina if its not a problem she can stay at my place tonite. She had stayed at my place when Pooja was here before. I also said she can use Pooja’s wardrobe to change. Sunaina had no other options open and agreed to move in along with me. We went to our apartment and stepped in. Thankfully our phase was not blacked out…
Sunaina took the couch and relaxed, I headed in the bedroom to freshen up and change into my nite attire. I called Sunaina :
Sunaina: Yes Viren!
Me: Dear these are a few pairs of nightwear, try one of them which is comfortable for you. I will make the guest room ready for you.
By saying this I put on the A/C of my room and drew the curtains for Sunaina to change. Sunaina Said – “ Thanks Viren…. It wasn’t possible to have a great time like this without you being around. Thanks for all you help and support today”
I smiled and said you don’t need to be thankful Sunaina. You had taken good care of my dinner all this while, this is least I could do for you.
I saw the guest room was a dump yard these days since Pooja is not around. I had to tidy the room and make the bed ready for Sunaina to sleep. I turned the A/C on for her and made the room somewhat ready for her.
As Sunaina was changing in my room I sat on the couch in the drawing room surfing the channels of TV. Suddenly I felt Sunaina’s hand on my right shoulder… She wore a loose tshirt and the pair of shorts which barely managed to cover her good looking thighs. She too got freshened up as I could see the make-up was now cleaned. She tied her hair to top making her neck look long. She wore this purposely I feel as I had given her many pairs to choose from which also had a long night gown, a set of full length Pajamas etc. She walked passed me and sat on the couch next to me close very close. Again leaning on me from my left side and holding my left hand in her arms she made herself cozy in the room. I felt this is now going overboard and I am a mere spectator to it. I tapped and patted her head to assure everything in life will be fine. She was not disturbed now but more relaxed and preferred to be quiet after speaking for the entire evening. While doing this Sunaina played with my fingers and we sat in this position for 30 minutes or so. I was constantly surfing the TV channels but my mind within was nervous of the things happening with me here. I couldn’t think what was right and what is wrong. My friendly and helpful nature landed me today in a situation where I didn’t knew if I am loyal to Pooja, am I doing the right thing here… what if I discuss this with Pooja as I always do… what will happen to the family like bonding between the Sehgals (Me and Pooja) and the Sarans (Shekhar and Sunaina) , how will Shekhar react… where are we – Me and Sunaina my wife’s sooo good friend heading towards….
The flurry of questions occupied my mind and made me go crazy. Plus my un-controllable urge was dominant and worked as fuel to the fire within me. I never thought of Sunaina in the other way and her moves are making me think towards her. I was nervous, calm, and unmoved for the last 30 minutes. Soon after this Sunaina took the next step she came closer, closer to my face and I was about to spell a kiss she kept her finger on my lips. I came into senses and looked into her eyes. She said:
Sunaina: I know Viren! What you are thinking… I am not saying it is right or it is wrong… I am just saying I want you to be by my side tonite. I am sure you are a good husband and do not want to ruin your happy married life. Neither I am bitch to do it… Rest assured this stays just between us and its just for tonite. I am sure you too need a are longing for it. I need a partner who cares for me and makes me feel feminine. That’s all Viren… its not much I am asking for. Pooja is a good friend of mine and I will not be a mistress in your life.
To be continued (tomorrow)…
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Stay tuned for part II