My Dumb and innocent Ashi -3

As I told you guys in the last part my childhood friend Ashi got married to a businessman named John. Was explaining the photo sessions and all with her BIL Jarvin in the last part how she let him take her pics and pose for him as well. So continuing from where I left…
He went on taking photos and she told me he took her full nude pic once. I asked her what why did you pose for it and for that she said it was accidentally taken and she asked him to delete it and all. I asked her accidentally how can someone take a pic accidentally can u explain? She said she was once applying the cream after her bath and he came in took some fast shots and then saw that she was nude after a bath.
He apologies to her for whatever he did and she felt bad but still, she smiled and asked him not to repeat it and asked him to delete the pics. I asked her whether you check if he deleted it or not and she was like yes he will delete it and she trusts him is what she said. I guess he will be using it for his daily masturbating activity.
After this life went on eventful for her she was groped by a plumber who used to do the plumbing works in her husband’s house.
No one was there at home at that time.
Their bathroom had some pipe leak issue or so and this plumber is like very close to there family he always used to come for every help.That fateful day he came in when there was no one at home.
She was in the middle of her shower enjoying it and she always used to keep her change dresses in her room and she wear it after applying cream and all.
When the bell rang she had almost finished her bath and she thiught it will be Jarwin or her FIL and in a haste, she just put a robe around and went to open.
But she was a bit shocked to see the plumber as her attire was not that great.
She asked him to come in and showed him the issue and was standing there to see if anything required for him to help him. Her robe was a bit flimsy and it was just above her knees. In a hurry sje just tied it a bit loose it seems as it got seperated a bit at the centre. He was looking into it which she came to know a bit late and after sometime, she was stunned by his act as he touched her thighs and commented on it.
She tried to escape but he went on with his act of touching her body and like commented on what she should do to improve it and things like that. She was feeling weird about this and was moving back and then he hold her around her waist and told her his wife to have some beauty parlour and stuffs and thats why he was checking hers and all She was like confused what to say as he was an elderly man almost her father’s age. She was getting involved in the act may be god knows she was enjoying it as she just stood there for whatever he did and listned to what he said and did nothing to stop his advances.
He actually removed her robe fully saw her nude touched all her parts prrssed it and felt it well but didnt progress any further so she felt he was genuine as she thought he just felt her body to comment about what all she need to do to maintain it. She says may be he saw her as a daughter and explained things which he know from his wife.
I told her you are such a fool not to understand someones advances and she was like anyways it happened no use of any arguements on that.
She told me another incident which happened with her FIL.
She went somewhere for shopping and came back and saw her FIL having drinks She had seen it a couple of times before as well
So she just waved hai and went in changed dress had a bath and was about to apply cream as usual when she heard one glass falling she hurriedly put one gown and went out
To see him and he said he needs water.
She took it from the kitchen and pour it to a new glass I asked her How where did u do that?
She said she stood infront of him bend down and pour it as it was a very low table.
So I guess he saw she had nothing inside this is my guess And she went in and started applying cream and as usual, she forget to bolt the door.
After sometime he came in and hugged her from behind calling his late wife’s name. And she was like dumbstruck what to do And she felt he is fully drunk and is thinking of his late wife She thought as he is drunk if she suddenly do something he may feel hurt and she didn’t know how he will react.
So she decide to remain silent and thought he will leave after sometime as he is drunk and may feel sleepy.
But to her bad luck, he laid her on the bed and did everything fondling licking sex and all She was in dilemma whenther to stop him or not and in that confused state she actually did nothing to stop as she doesnt want to hurt him. He did her couple of times in her own bed and she said he was too aggressive even at this age.
I asked her how is she as she was fucked brutally by her own FIL. She said she felt really bad with what happened and she cried that day in her room for hours.
But she felt it was all the effect of liquor that made her FIL act so weird. And I told her I can’t fully digest that thought as he fucked her for more than an hour.
But she is saying she was sure that he did it because of liquor as the next day he doesn’t even show any signs of what happened last day and was dealing with her like a daughter. She is saying he may have thought all those happened as a dream having sex with his late wife.
But I am confident that he did it on purpose as he is missing sex from quite a long and can’t blame him as he have a beautiful DIL around who seduce him may be unknowingly by her acts and dressings.
She is the one who take care of all his activities and health as she care for her as her father she also used to give him head bath weekly once in his bathroom together with him so as to help him and for his health issues as well. Initially, she used to be in a nightdress and you all know she never have her inners on and after all the caring activities giving a head bath and all she will be fully wet by the heat and water flowing from the shower and will be like a display model for her FIL. Just imagine thise scenes how can someone control with all these happening around him.
He also may have felt that she is a bit dumb and will believe whatever happens around if he make a smart move may be more of an imotional drama he can get her and he succeeded in that as well.
She also shared one flash experience to a construction worker who was working in the construction of the new house near to her. She once after bath wore a towel and came out of her bathroom she didnt had her room curtains fully closed and when she enterd her room she saw someone outside her window searching for something. And she felt it was the worker who is working in the site and will aske him why he is around here.
She forget about her attire opened the window and asked him what he wants and he said he is looking for a water pipe and she felt sad about him as he may be thirsty because of the intense heatand so she just tried directing him towards the back of the house and in process her towel got loosened and her boobs was on display. She just hold her towel ends finished the conversation and closed the window. He would have got a mouthful free show from her.
Her tales are never ending as when she is around she will make men happy with her dumb nature if he can make her do things. More to come friends will write in the next part